00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:20 Solari Hero of the Year 2017: Dr. Mark Skidmore
00:00:28 About Dr. Mark Skidmore
00:01:58 State by State Analysis of Federal Government Transfers Net of Taxes Paid
00:05:40 Federal Fiscal Exposure of US Counties
00:14:00 Strong Towns with Chuck Marohn
00:14:03 1st Quarter 2020 Wrap Up: e Real Deal on Going Local – e Infrastructure Challenge with Chuck Marohn
00:16:38 Peer Reviewed Article: Reducing Disability to 2010 Levels Could Reduce Annual Federal Deficits by $500 Billion
00:22:01 What We Are Up Against by Dr. Toby Rogers
00:23:55 Key Moments from RFK Jr.’s First Confirmation Hearing
00:36:30 Doctors for COVID Ethics
00:38:22 C-IoB - Center for Internet of Bodies
00:40:36 Europe’s Digital Decade: Digital Targets for 2030
00:43:57 The Missing Money
00:44:03 Navigating Reality with Dr. Mark Skidmore
00:44:41 The Missing Money – $21 Trillion in Undocumentable Adjustments and Counting with Dr. Mark Skidmore
00:44:45 Dr. Mark Skidmore & Catherine Austin Fitts Discuss $21 Trillion
00:44:49 Special Solari Report: Update on the Missing Money with Dr. Mark Skidmore
00:44:53 The Financial Coup: More Missing Money & FASAB Standard 56 with Dr. Mark Skidmore
00:45:02 The Pentagon Money Pit: $6.5 Trillion in Unaccountable Army Spending, and No DOD Audit for the Past Two Decades
00:49:00 Elon Musk - "Guess I better maximize my security"
00:49:45 The Covid-19 Survey with Dr. Mark Skidmore
01:00:18 Hero of the Week: December 21, 2020 – Oregon Pediatrician Dr. Paul omas, MD
01:01:13 Pricing the Great Poisoning with Toby Rogers
01:02:47 Prepare for Planet Lockdown (Steve Kirsch interview with Catherine Austin Fitts)
01:15:53 The Skidmore Weather Management Bibliography
01:19:45 Full Steam Ahead: All Aboard Fiscal Dominance
01:21:15 Lighthouse Economics
01:22:02 The Missing Money